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Case Study - Industrial
(Jurong Town Corporation, JTC - Singapore)

Fertilizer dust coupled with high humidity provides the perfect environment for the corrosion of steelwork. Structural steel within the Jurong Port Warehouse required extensive refurbishment. The warehouse is used mainly for the storage of bulk cargoes such as highly corrosive fertilizers.
Existing steel was prepared by water blasting at 12,000 psi. Corroless S was them used for patch priming followed by a full coat of Corroless S and then finished with two coats of Corroless RF20.
New Steelwork was grit blasted to SA2 and then coated with two full coats of Corroless S and two full coats of Corroless RF20 whilst galvanized purlins received one coat of Corroless E and a single coat of Corroless RF20.
To ensure total corrosion protection, all crevices, flanges, buts and bolts received an additional application of Corroless MDP